Healing Black Intergenerational Trauma Center
A community project aiding the black community in overcoming mental, emotional, educational, economic, and financial challenges faced daily as a result of the systematic racism and multi-generational oppression.
What good would it do to fight for change in the world, but fail to heal from the emotional wounds inflicted by the world?
- Miyume McKinley
Intergenerational trauma (or sometimes referred to as Transgenerational Trauma) is defined as “a theory which states that trauma can be transferred from the first generation of trauma survivors to the second and further generations of offspring of the survivors via complex post-traumatic stress disorder mechanisms” (Google, 2017).
In the Black community inter-generational trauma has created a breeding ground for low self-esteem, mental health challenges, unhealthy relationships, toxic family interactions, hopelessness, aggression, violence, broken homes, medical problems, and unfortunately for some an early death.
In the Black community we have been taught to “be strong” and “press on,” however we have not been taught how to heal from our emotional wounds. We are encouraged to “push through” the pain yet were never educated on how our pain/trauma/emotional wounds have negatively impacted our view of self and our perception of the world we live in. For many in the Black community, every day is a fight to survive. Survive your neighborhood. Survive your job. Survive the legal system. Survive being Black. This takes a toll on us mentally, emotionally, and physically.
The Healing Black Intergenerational Trauma Center has selected some of the most qualified African American therapists to provide quality care to aid you on your journey to healing, hope, and peace of mind.
For any inquiries or to contact Miyume regarding events, talks, workshops and guest appearances get in touch.
Miyume is a Licensed Mental Health Therapist, public speaker, workshop leader, trainer and talk show host.